lurline86n · 1 month ago
Museum of Police activity on another Museum of police Fossil is the Statue limited ..
Sedition Tracker
se·​di·​tion: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority
Elliot Resnick
Residence: New York
Age: 39
Occupation: Chief Editor of The Jewish Press
Jurisdiction: Federal
Docket Number: 23-mj-0058
Judge: Robin M. Meriweather
Arrested/Charged: 2023-03-14
News Report
Statement of Facts
DOJ Press Release
Identification based on allegations made by law enforcement. Suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty by the government in a court of law. This site is privately operated and has no affiliation with any of the sources referenced.
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Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) is a national treasure with an incisive wit and a dry sense of humor. He has displayed these talents throughout his time in the Senate, whether by stumping unqualified Biden nominees or in interviews with reporters.
Kennedy’s wit was on display again Wednesday when he questioned Robin M. Meriweather before the Senate Judiciary Committee, who is currently a federal magistrate judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Joe Biden nominated her to be a judge on the Court of Federal Claims earlier this month.
Kennedy exposed Meriweather’s utter lack of qualifications during his line of inquiry. He began by forcing her to admit she had never argued a single case before the Court of Federal Claims after multiple tries.
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dontmeantobepoliticalbut · 3 years ago
The Chicago chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police union is going to bat for one of its members who stormed the US Capitol and now might lose his job with the Chicago Police Department.
The revelation came in court filings one week after police who responded to the January 6 attack publicly blasted the union, and other unions, for not doing enough to support officers who protected the Capitol.
CPD Officer Karol Chwiesiuk was charged in June with two misdemeanors after breaching the Capitol and the office of Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley. Prosecutors said in charging documents that Chwiesiuk used the N-word when bragging to a friend about his actions at the Capitol that day, saying, "n---a don't snitch." He hasn't yet entered a plea to the charges.
He wasn't accused of violent crimes, so he was released by a judge and ordered not to have any guns in the home and to give up the firearm owner ID card that is required under Illinois law. But in new court filings, Chwiesiuk asked for permission to retake possession of the ID card, because he says he needs it to keep his job, even though he was moved to desk duty and doesn't carry a gun.
The vice president for the Chicago chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police union sent a letter to court officials saying that the union will try to block Chwiesiuk's possible firing and will "start the grievance process to get Officer Chwiesiuk into a pay-status" if he gets back his firearm ID card.
Daniel Gorman, the union official, said he sent the letter after Chwiesiuk asked for assistance, according to a copy of the brief letter that was included in court filings from Chwiesiuk's lawyer.
Magistrate Judge Robin Meriweather hasn't ruled yet on whether to return the ID card.
This comes one week after some of the most well-known police officers from January 6 publicly rebuked the national Fraternal Order of Police union, accusing it of being uncharacterizable quiet about the insurrection.
Last week, DC Officer Michael Fanone, US Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and USCP Sgt. Aquilino Gonell gave emotional testimony to the House select committee about their experiences defending the Capitol. They later said they were disappointed that national union hasn't forcefully condemned the insurrection and done more to support the officers who responded that day.
In response, the national union pointed out that it condemned the violence while the attack was underway, and said it will "continue to offer our support, gratitude and love" to officers who responded on January 6.
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 3 years ago
Mexican National Extradited from Brazil to the USA to Face International Cocaine Trafficking Charge
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[Image description: Jose Gonzalez-Valencia.]
A Mexican national was extradited from Brazil to the United States on Nov. 10 to face international drug trafficking charges. Jose Gonzalez-Valencia, aka Jafett Arias-Becerra, aka La Chepa, aka Camaron, and aka Santy, 46, arrived in the United States on Wednesday and made his initial court appearance yesterday in Washington, D.C. Superior Court. He is detained pending his appearance on Friday afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Robin M. Meriweather in D.C. District Court.
According to court documents, beginning in as early as 2006, Gonzalez-Valencia conspired with others to import more than five kilograms of cocaine into the United States from a foreign country. According to court documents, Gonzalez-Valencia is alleged to be a high-ranking leader of the Los Cuinis drug-trafficking organization (DTO), which is based in Jalisco State in Mexico. Los Cuinis is closely aligned with the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG). Together, Los Cuinis and CJNG form one of the largest, most dangerous, and prolific drug cartels in Mexico. They have been and continue to be responsible for trafficking ton quantities of illegal drugs into the United States and employing extreme violence to further that objective. The close alliance between Los Cuinis and CJNG is strengthened by familial ties between the criminal organizations: Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, aka Mencho, the leader of CJNG, is married to Rosalinda Gonzalez-Valencia, who is the defendant’s sister.
“The United States will continue to work with global partners to pursue those who seek to import illegal drugs into our country,” said Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “U.S. law enforcement can, and will, target individuals who are responsible for funneling large quantities of illegal and dangerous drugs into our communities here at home.��
“Today’s extradition of Jose Gonzalez-Valencia showcases the commitment of Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) agents and prosecutors to bring alleged international drug traffickers to justice,” said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram. “Gonzalez-Valencia will face a jury in the United States after allegedly trafficking cocaine for more than a decade.”
Continue reading.
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creepingsharia · 5 years ago
Dept of Defense Arabic Linguist Arrested, Gave Names and Photos of Informants and Techniques to Hezbollah Source
The “Minnesota” woman warned a DoD target who is affiliated with a designated foreign terrorist organization with ties to Hizballah.
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The New York Times describes the accused traitor as “A Minnesota woman who worked as a translator for the military in Iraq.”
Former law enforcement and intelligence officials expressed surprise at the ease with which Ms. Thompson managed to gather details about informants, noting that the F.B.I. and C.I.A. make such information about their own sources extremely difficult to access.
The NYT article described the woman’s appearance at a court hearing, why no photo?
From the DOJ press release:
Mariam Taha Thompson, 61, formerly of Rochester, Minnesota, was charged today in the District of Columbia with transmitting highly sensitive classified national defense information to a foreign national with apparent connections to Hizballah, a foreign terrorist organization that has been so designated by the Secretary of State. According to the affidavit filed in support of a criminal complaint, the information Thompson gathered and transmitted included classified national defense information regarding active human assets, including their true names.  By compromising the identities of these human assets, Thompson placed the lives of the human assets and U.S. military personnel in grave danger.
“While in a war zone, the defendant allegedly gave sensitive national defense information, including the names of individuals helping the United States, to a Lebanese national located overseas,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers. “If true, this conduct is a disgrace, especially for someone serving as a contractor with the United States military. This betrayal of country and colleagues will be punished.”
“The conduct alleged in this complaint is a grave threat to national security, placed lives at risk, and represents a betrayal of our armed forces.  The charges we’ve filed today should serve as a warning to anyone who would consider disclosing classified national defense information to a terrorist organization,” said U.S. Attorney Timothy J. Shea for the District of Columbia.
Thompson was arrested by FBI Special Agents on February 27, 2020, at an overseas U.S. military facility, where she worked as a contract linguist and held a Top Secret government security clearance.   
The investigation leading to this arrest revealed that starting on or about December 30, 2019, a day after U.S. airstrikes against Iranian-backed forces in Iraq, and the same day protesters stormed the U.S. embassy in Iraq to protest those strikes, audit logs show a notable shift in Thompson’s network activity on United States Department of Defense classified systems, including repeated access to classified information she had no need to access.  Specifically, during a six-week period between December 30, 2019, and February 10, 2020, Thompson accessed dozens of files concerning human intelligence sources, including true names, personal identification data, background information, and photographs of the human assets, as well as operational cables detailing information the assets provided to the United States government.
A court-authorized search of Thompson’s living quarters on February 19, 2020, led to the discovery of a handwritten note in Arabic concealed under Thompson’s mattress.  The note contained classified information from Department of Defense computer systems, identifying human assets by name, and warning a Department of Defense target who is affiliated with a designated foreign terrorist organization with ties to Hizballah.  The note also instructed that the human assets’ phones should be monitored.
Thompson transmitted the classified information in the handwritten note to a co-conspirator, in whom she had a romantic interest. The FBI’s investigation revealed that Thompson knew the co-conspirator was a foreign national whose relative worked for the Lebanese government. The investigation also revealed that the co-conspirator has apparent connections to Hizballah. Further investigation revealed that, in a separate communication, Thompson also provided information to her co-conspirator identifying another human asset and the information the asset had provided to the United States, as well as providing information regarding the techniques the human assets were using to gather information on behalf of the United States.
In today’s Criminal Complaint, Thompson was charged with Delivering Defense Information to Aid a Foreign Government in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 794(a) and conspiring to do so in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 794(c).
Thompson is scheduled to make her initial appearance before United States Magistrate Judge Robin M. Meriweather later this afternoon.
Download Thompson_Affidavit_pdf
Download complaint_mariam_thompson_signed.pdf
More via, Military Linguist Charged With Revealing U.S. Secrets in Espionage Case:
After the arrest, prosecutors say, Thompson acknowledged that she passed secret information to a man she was romantically interested in, but said she did not know that he had any affiliation with Hezbollah. She instead said she thought he might have been tied to the Amal political party in Lebanon, though she later said she considered the groups to be the same.
“No, I don’t know about Hizbollah. I hate Hizbollah,” Thompson told an agent, according to an affidavit unsealed Wednesday. She described members of the group, which the U.S. has designated as a foreign terrorist organization, as “terrorists” and “like the octopus. They can reach anybody.”
Thompson also told the agent that she passed along classified information by memorizing it, writing it down and transmitting it via the video feature of a secure messaging application on her cellphone. One screenshot of a video chat the FBI says it obtained showed Thompson displaying to the Lebanese man an Arabic note describing the technique an informant had used to collect information, according to the affidavit.
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briefnewschannel · 3 years ago
Bannon Surrenders to Feds, Vows to 'Take Down Biden Regime'
Bannon Surrenders to Feds, Vows to ‘Take Down Biden Regime’
Encouraging his supporters to plan for “taking down the Biden regime,” Stephen K. Bannon, the former Trump White House adviser who was indicted last week for defying a congressional subpoena, has surrendered to federal authorities,  reports the Washington Post. Bannon is expected to appear Monday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Robin M. Meriweather for his arraignment on two counts of contempt of…
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mystlnewsonline · 3 years ago
Jose Gonzalez-Valencia Extradited from Brazil
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Jose Gonzalez-Valencia, Mexican National, Extradited from Brazil to Face International Cocaine Trafficking Charge. (STL.News) A Mexican national was extradited from Brazil to the United States on November 10 to face international drug trafficking charges.  Jose Gonzalez-Valencia, aka Jafett Arias-Becerra, aka La Chepa, aka Camaron, and aka Santy, 46, arrived in the United States on Wednesday and made his initial court appearance yesterday in Washington, D.C. Superior Court.  He is detained pending his appearance on Friday afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Robin M. Meriweather in D.C. District Court. According to court documents, beginning as early as 2006, Gonzalez-Valencia conspired with others to import more than five kilograms of cocaine into the United States from a foreign country.  According to court documents, Gonzalez-Valencia is alleged to be a high-ranking leader of the Los Cuinis drug-trafficking organization (DTO), which is based in Jalisco State in Mexico.  Los Cuinis is closely aligned with the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG).  Together, Los Cuinis and CJNG form one of the largest, most dangerous, and prolific drug cartels in Mexico.  They have been and continue to be responsible for trafficking tons quantities of illegal drugs into the United States and employing extreme violence to further that objective.  The close alliance between Los Cuinis and CJNG is strengthened by familial ties between the criminal organizations: Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, aka Mencho, the leader of CJNG, is married to Rosalinda Gonzalez-Valencia, who is the defendant’s sister. “The United States will continue to work with global partners to pursue those who seek to import illegal drugs into our country,” said Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division.  “U.S. law enforcement can, and will, target individuals who are responsible for funneling large quantities of illegal and dangerous drugs into our communities here at home.” “Today’s extradition of Jose Gonzalez-Valencia showcases the commitment of Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) agents and prosecutors to bring alleged international drug traffickers to justice,” said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram.  “Gonzalez-Valencia will face a jury in the United States after allegedly trafficking cocaine for more than a decade.” A grand jury in the District of Columbia returned an indictment against Gonzalez-Valencia on Oct. 26, 2016.  In December 2017, Gonzalez-Valencia was arrested by Brazilian police in Fortaleza, Brazil, at the request of the United States, where he remained detained pending his extradition. Gonzalez-Valencia is charged with conspiracy to distribute five kilograms or more of cocaine, knowing and intending that it will be unlawfully imported to the United States.  If convicted, Gonzalez-Valencia faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in federal prison and a statutory maximum sentence of life imprisonment.  A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. This case is part of “Operation Stir the Pot,” supported by the Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF).  The DEA’s Los Angeles Field Division is investigating with the assistance of DEA Brasilia. Deputy Chief Anthony Nardozzi and Trial Attorneys Kate Naseef and Kaitlin Sahni of the Criminal Division’s Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section are prosecuting.  The Justice Department’s Office of Enforcement Operations and Office of International Affairs have also provided significant assistance. An indictment is merely an allegation, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Read the full article
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guncelkal · 4 years ago
A judge ordered El Chapo's wife to be jailed after her first court appearance on drug trafficking charges
A judge ordered El Chapo’s wife to be jailed after her first court appearance on drug trafficking charges
Summary List Placement Emma Coronel Aispuro, the wife of Mexican drug cartel kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, made her initial appearance in a federal court in Washington on Tuesday on charges of helping her husband run his drug empire. Coronel, 31, a former beauty queen, was arrested at the Dulles International Airport on Monday. At Tuesday’s hearing, Judge Robin Meriweather said she would…
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en24news · 5 years ago
Judge orders to release the daughter of "El Mencho"
Judge orders to release the daughter of “El Mencho”
A judge authorized the release of Jessica Johanna Oseguera Gonzalez, “La Negra”, daughter of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, “El Mencho”, leader of the New Generation Cartel (CNG), but his departure will not come true, at least as long as an appeal filed by the government is not resolved.
Judge Robin M. Meriweather authorized
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yahoonewsdigest-us-extra · 8 years ago
Accused White House fence jumper released, must submit to monitoring
US News
Accused White House fence jumper released, must submit to monitoring
A California man accused of scaling a fence around the White House and entering the grounds last week will be allowed to return to his home state under federal supervision as his case proceeds, a federal judge said on Monday. At a pretrial hearing in Washington, Magistrate Judge Robin Meriweather said Jonathan Tran would be released on his own recognizance on condition he comply with conditions laid out by the court. Tran, listed in court documents as 26, made his initial court appearance after being taken into custody on Friday night.
The U.S. Secret Service said Tran, wearing a backpack, was arrested by uniformed officers after climbing the fence and entering the White House's South Grounds. It was the latest breach of security at the president's official residence.
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guncelkal · 4 years ago
A judge ordered El Chapo's wife to be jailed after her first court appearance on drug trafficking charges
A judge ordered El Chapo’s wife to be jailed after her first court appearance on drug trafficking charges
Summary List Placement Emma Coronel Aispuro, the wife of Mexican drug cartel kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, made her initial appearance in a federal court in Washington on Tuesday on charges of helping her husband run his drug empire. Coronel, 31, a former beauty queen, was arrested at the Dulles International Airport on Monday. At Tuesday’s hearing, Judge Robin Meriweather said she would…
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